Happy Valentine’s Day! While this holiday is all about love, it just so happens to fall smack in the middle of tax season in the United States. So, while you’re hoping to get a sweet message from that special someone, there’s a chance you might also receive a text or an email from the Internal Revenue Service… or is there? As it turns out, you won’t… but that’s a fact that scammers are hoping you won’t know.
After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, terrorism became a topic everyone heard about daily. The “War on Terror” lasted over a decade, toppling governments and sending a clear message that terrorists would be hunted down relentlessly. While major terrorist attacks have happened since then, the battleground has shifted. Today, one of the biggest threats comes from cyberspace. Let’s take a closer look at the rise of cyberterrorism.
Accessibility is a huge talking point in the world of IT. With modern technology solutions, accessible options are much easier to use and more inclusive, allowing workers to get their work done despite the circumstances. Today, we want to look at what the Windows operating system offers in terms of accessibility features.
In business, you generally know better than to make promises to your clients or customers. After all, what happens when you can’t keep them? Well, today, we want to highlight a couple of promises that managed IT can make—with confidence—for your business.
Cybercrime is a real problem for businesses and individuals alike. Today, there are more threats than ever and even if you are careful, data theft can affect you. In our blog today, we thought we would go through the ways that data theft can affect you, even if it isn’t stolen directly from you.
Net neutrality has been a hot topic for years. The rules around it keep changing depending on who’s in charge of the government. Recently, things took a major step backward when the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) newest net neutrality rules.
What happens to all the data that gets stolen by hackers during their despicable campaigns? Sometimes it gets destroyed, but more often than not, it ends up on the Dark Web, where it’s put to other nefarious purposes. Today, we want to discuss the Dark Web and why it’s so important you monitor it for your business’ data.
Have you ever thought about whether a hacker could secretly read your emails with your clients and coworkers? If you handle your own email system, it’s really important to know about email encryption. Encryption helps keep your emails safe and private so you can focus on running your business without worrying about hackers. Here are three big problems you could face if you don’t encrypt your emails:
Water cooling is a common method of keeping computing hardware at reasonable temperatures, particularly for gaming PCs, data centers, and similar high-demand applications. What if, however, a business used a similar method to keep their entire building climate-controlled? Microsoft intends to do so in some new data centers, as many residences have begun implementing a version of this system.
While most browsers offer a bookmark feature, allowing a user to save certain web pages for repeated viewing, Google Chrome adds to this with an added functionality: Google Saved. Previously known as Google Collections, Google Saved gives users a convenient place to keep track of things they want to return to later… similar to a bookmark, but more so.
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