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How to Install APK Files, and Why You Might Not Want To

When you download a program or application to your computer, you must install it through its operating system. The same is true for your Android smartphone, but the file names are a bit different, and the process is a little more convoluted… and for good reason. Today, we want to walk you through how APK files work and why it might not be a good idea to install them on your device in the traditional sense.

Tip of the Week: How to Make Good Investments in Your IT

With technology being such an important part of doing business, making the right calls on how to spend your IT budget is important. Before diving into any technology purchases, take a step back and assess your business’ specific needs. What are your goals, challenges, and pain points? Understanding these aspects will help you narrow down the technologies that truly add value to your operations. Let’s take a look at a few technologies that can help a business spend wisely on their IT. 

AI Can Be the Technology That Puts SMBs Over the Top

Artificial intelligence’s transformative potential is no longer just available to enterprise businesses. Now small businesses are increasingly using the technology to enhance efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive innovation for the betterment of an organization. Today, we start to explore three popular ways in which small businesses use AI to refine the way they do business. 

Proactive Maintenance Can Keep Your Business Going

SMBs need to be sensitive to their profit margins, as their ability to offer valuable services and products is directly tied to how many resources they have at their disposal. Therefore, you need to do all you can to save money where it counts—including your IT budget. It makes the most sense to take care of your existing IT infrastructure so you don’t have to throw away resources needlessly.