Disaster Recovery (DR) provides your business with tools and processes to restore normal operations following a disruption. Think of it as a safety net for when things go wrong. The primary goal of your disaster recovery system is to restore critical business functions as quickly as possible.
When disaster strikes your business, it can cause a lot of problems; and many of them aren’t a direct result of the disaster itself. It’s for this reason it’s important to prepare your technology for a potential disaster. Here are four of the best ways to get your technology ready.
Unfortunately, we have yet another reason to reflect on the importance of data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity for organizations everywhere. A week ago today, Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas, downgrading to a tropical storm, but only after it had already caused estimated damages totaling over $5 million amongst the islands of middle America.
Transferring data between computers and devices is now a routine activity. Let’s review the steps to ensure your data remains intact and your memory card stays in good condition before ejecting it from a computer.
What would you do if you lost your smartphone? While some might do their best to keep their composure and work to find it, there’s no mistaking the amount of data stored on our favorite mobile devices. Today, we want to walk you through some strategies for finding your misplaced or stolen device.
Secure and reliable file sharing has become essential for businesses. It makes collaboration, communication, and better productivity possible. With the increasing prevalence of cyberthreats, however, having a comprehensive plan to ensure the security of your files in transport is extremely important. Let’s explore some of the best practices for secure business file sharing.
Today, cybersecurity responsibility extends beyond the IT department; it’s now everyone’s concern. Experiencing a hack can be deeply unsettling, leaving you feeling vulnerable and uncertain about what steps to take next. This short guide aims to assist you by outlining the necessary actions to take post-hack, along with practical cybersecurity advice and measures to help you strengthen your defenses. Let’s transform this stressful situation into an opportunity to learn and fortify your cyber resilience.
When evaluating your business assets, it’s essential to prioritize technology. Let’s briefly go into the reasons why this is important and explore effective management strategies your business can roll out to improve your operations.
No matter what type of business you run or the services you provide to the community, chances are you must adhere to at least some compliance laws and regulatory requirements dictated by state or federal governments. Today, we want to make it abundantly clear that you must protect your business’ data to avoid inadvertently becoming subject to the massive fines associated with these laws.
Regarding business data backups, we’ll commonly reference something called the 3-2-1 Backup Rule. Just in case you’ve missed our explanations of these critical best practices in the past, we felt we should go over what it is and what each of its elements accomplishes.