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Explaining the Cookies Pop-Up You See on Many Websites

When someone mentions cookies, people usually think of delicious treats like gingersnaps, snowballs, or the world famous chocolate chip. But what about browser cookies? While they may not be tasty, they certainly deserve your attention. You’ve likely encountered website popups asking for cookie permissions, and understanding what you’re agreeing to is crucial. In today’s blog, we’ll explain what browser cookies are, how they work, and why they are sometimes more beneficial than the sweet kind..

What Does the Future of Mobile Power and Batteries Look Like?

What Does the Future of Mobile Power and Batteries Look Like?

You might have noticed the mobile technology around you, like smartphones, tablets, and wearables, getting noticeably stronger in recent years. As their strength increases, so too does their power expenditure, demanding more effective batteries and charging technologies as a result. Today, we want to look at the ever-fascinating topic of batteries for mobile technology and how innovations can help to fuel change in device design.

AI and Big Data Present Interesting Opportunities for Businesses

All businesses use technology to varying degrees, typically to improve operations or offer innovation through a service or product. SMBs often benefit from the increased use of technology in the business world, as it’s generally quite effective at solving their problems and accessible enough that even companies on a budget can afford it. Let’s look at some opportunities your own business might have in 2024.