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How to Install APK Files, and Why You Might Not Want To

When you download a program or application to your computer, you must install it through its operating system. The same is true for your Android smartphone, but the file names are a bit different, and the process is a little more convoluted… and for good reason. Today, we want to walk you through how APK files work and why it might not be a good idea to install them on your device in the traditional sense.

The NFL Is at the Forefront of Sports Technology

The big game was this past Sunday, and if you are like millions of other people, you tuned in to see the spectacle of the game, the halftime show, and Taylor Swift. Behind the scenes, the National Football League has been utilizing emerging technologies to help them solve some of their biggest problems. Let’s go into three ways the NFL is using technology to improve their product.

Power Up Your Business with These Three Technology Tools

With business technology, your company can reap countless benefits, but at the same time, failing to implement the right tools—or worse, implementing the wrong tools altogether—can have devastating consequences. Today, we want to help you understand how you can make the best, most educated decisions regarding your business technology needs while avoiding investments in technology that won’t pay dividends.

Bring Your Conference Room Up to Speed

It’s likely that the conference room holds significant importance for your business, serving as a reflection of the way your organization functions. It becomes crucial to ensure that your conference room creates the right impressions, especially if you tend to invite clients and prospects into your office. Let’s explore ways to enhance your conference room and make it the best it can be.