You or one of your employees may need to work while on the road for many reasons. Unfortunately, this can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. We wanted to take a few minutes to (hopefully) review some security best practices your entire team should follow should they ever find themselves working as they travel.
Ensuring cybersecurity is important for individuals both in their professional and personal lives. Hence, I’ve compiled a set of cybersecurity practices that you should advocate for your team, especially when they’re working remotely or during their personal time.
It seems like with every day that passes, there is a new sinister cyberthreat to worry about, and it’s crucial that businesses learn as much as possible about how to keep themselves safe as they can. There is simply too much at stake not to. That said, there are broad categories that most threats will fall under. Today, we’re going to explore them.
You love your pets. They are part of your family and bring you more joy than most other things. Unfortunately, pets and technology simply don’t mix. In today’s blog, we thought we’d go through a few tips that can help you protect your technology from your furry (or not-so-furry) friends.
Network security is complicated, and as such, you need to have considerable knowledge of it to ensure that your business is as secure as possible against the plethora of threats out there. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. We want to give you some insight into the dos and don’ts of network security.
If you are like many of the rest of us, the thought of losing your phone is a situation that brings on anger and fear. If your phone has been stolen, there are several steps you have to take to mitigate potential risks and increase the chances of recovering your device. Here’s a general guide.
Opening a new location is an exciting event for any business, but it’s not without a litany of difficult decisions to make. One thing is certain, challenges always emerge. One thing you can do is plan your technology needs strategically to avoid headaches in that arena. Today, we take a look at how to best get your new location outfitted with the technology it needs to succeed.
Businesses are complex beasts, and there can be a lot of moving parts that need to be addressed in order for them to run effectively. Business technology can aid in this effort quite substantially. Here are four ways you can implement technology to help make managing your business easier.
Business Intelligence (BI) is a platform that uses the data that your business creates to help you make advanced business decisions. Starting to use data for business intelligence involves several key steps to effectively gather the data you want to sort through and successfully analyze it in a way that can allow you to understand your business better.
Data security isn’t a matter to be taken lightly, as too many businesses have found out the hard way. Unfortunately, there are far too many simple ways to correct common security issues – enough that it’s foolish not to do so. We’ll review a few ways to fix security issues, after discussing one of, if not the, most egregious security failings in modern history.