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How Does Remote Work Fare in a Post-Pandemic World?

How Does Remote Work Fare in a Post-Pandemic World?

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, business owners considered remote work a forbidden fruit. If employees got a taste, they would only want more of it. Nowadays, remote work is a bit more commonplace, no doubt as a result of the pandemic forcing most knowledge workers into some sort of remote work arrangement. How have companies adjusted to this new reality? Let’s look at the numbers.

AI Can Be the Technology That Puts SMBs Over the Top

Artificial intelligence’s transformative potential is no longer just available to enterprise businesses. Now small businesses are increasingly using the technology to enhance efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive innovation for the betterment of an organization. Today, we start to explore three popular ways in which small businesses use AI to refine the way they do business. 

3 Reasons Businesses Might Choose Public Cloud Resources

The cloud comes in a few different forms. You have private cloud solutions, which are those that a business maintains in-house for their own use, and you have public cloud solutions, which are those that an external business hosts and provides to subscribers. While both have their place in modern business operations, we wanted to take a few moments to focus on the public cloud and the various benefits that it has to offer.