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Should There Be a Tax on Cryptocurrency?

Should There Be a Tax on Cryptocurrency?

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve probably come across articles on blockchain before. This week, we’re shifting gears to explore a new topic: should cryptocurrency, which is enabled by blockchain technology, be subject to taxation by state, federal, and international authorities? Let’s dive into what blockchain is, how it supports cryptocurrency, and the ongoing debate about potential taxation.

User Permissions are Not to Be Given Lightly

User Permissions are Not to Be Given Lightly

Let me ask you this: would you trust every one of your team members with a key to your house? Of course not, right? After all, what if someone lost their copy or had it stolen from them? So, if you wouldn’t trust your entire team with access to your home, why on earth would you trust them with carte blanche access to your entire business and all of its data? That’s just it… you wouldn’t. 

Your Business’ Mobile Data Needs Protection Too

Having your team connected through mobile, especially with access to collaboration and communication tools, is the new normal in business. Many organizations take advantage of the ubiquity of smartphones and either provide mobile devices to their staff or utilize the built-in options on many of today’s newest mobile OSs that allow them to put an encrypted work profile on; effectively adding mobility to your business without a huge capital investment. Regardless of what option you choose, you need to have management software in place if you are going to trust your employees to have access to company information outside of the office. 

Building a Rapport with Your Staff Can Help Smooth Out a Difficult Relationship

Businesses face numerous challenges, many of which arise internally. Whether your business is dealing with cybersecurity threats, unhappy customers, or unreliable suppliers, leaders must navigate every threat. Among these, internal issues can often be the most disruptive. In this blog, we’ll focus on two critical employee-related challenges that can significantly hinder business operations.