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Some Businesses—Like Microsoft—are Water-Cooling Entire Buildings

Water cooling is a common method of keeping computing hardware at reasonable temperatures, particularly for gaming PCs, data centers, and similar high-demand applications. What if, however, a business used a similar method to keep their entire building climate-controlled? Microsoft intends to do so in some new data centers, as many residences have begun implementing a version of this system.

Technology Can Make Your Business, But Ignoring IT Can Break It

When you think about it, the technology we have today is truly awe-inspiring, simply because it enables us to be so much more productive as we exercise our creativity. All one really has to do to prove its value is to compare the quality of life we enjoy now as compared to almost any time in the past. However, this does not mean that everyone is using technology to its full capacity and, as a result, suffering some consequential effects. Let’s consider some of these effects to reinforce why it pays to embrace the potential uses of technology fully.

AI and Big Data Present Interesting Opportunities for Businesses

All businesses use technology to varying degrees, typically to improve operations or offer innovation through a service or product. SMBs often benefit from the increased use of technology in the business world, as it’s generally quite effective at solving their problems and accessible enough that even companies on a budget can afford it. Let’s look at some opportunities your own business might have in 2024.

Power Up Your Business with These Three Technology Tools

With business technology, your company can reap countless benefits, but at the same time, failing to implement the right tools—or worse, implementing the wrong tools altogether—can have devastating consequences. Today, we want to help you understand how you can make the best, most educated decisions regarding your business technology needs while avoiding investments in technology that won’t pay dividends.

Experts Predict that the Hybrid Office Isn’t Going Anywhere

For reasons that we’re all too familiar with, the workplace changed drastically a few years ago when office workers everywhere suddenly found themselves thrust into remote work. As it turns out, a lot of them have liked being able to work remotely. That makes the efforts of a few outspoken companies to roll back remote work somewhat worrisome… but experts aren’t convinced these outliers represent the reality of the situation.